Monday, October 10, 2005

On an Altogether Different Topic

Reuters reports that the Egyptian Antiquities Commission has approved another robotic voyage into the mysterious shafts of the Great Pyramid. According to Egyptologist Zahi Hawass:
he w[ill] this week inspect a robot designed to climb the two narrow shafts which might lead to an undiscovered burial chamber in the pyramid of Cheops at Giza, on the outskirts of Cairo.

Hawass said the shafts and stone panels which block them could mark the location of the burial chamber of Cheops, also known as Khufu. That would mean none of the chambers already discovered in the pyramid were the pharaoh's real tomb.

The shafts were last probed in September 2002, when a robot drilled a hole through one of the stone panels to reveal a small empty space at the end of which lay another panel, which appeared cracked and fragile.

The new robot, designed by a university in Singapore over two years, would drill through that panel and the stone slab blocking the second shaft.

I find this sort of thing fascinating.