Friday, January 13, 2006

More Dead Terrorists?

The rumor's all over the web. The good old U.S. military may have cashed Zawahiri. As I've said before, even if it is a false alarm, the idea of Ayman spread thinly over a substantial surface area is a pleasing one indeed. The fact, she would be better still . . .

More: A lizardoid aptly puts it: "Predator drOwned." It's probably been said elsewhere but I haven't seen it before. Here's hoping it makes it into the lexicon. A more hopeful word-of-the-year (okay, term-of-the-year) than diavlog, if you ask me.

Fark headlines: "# 3 Al-Qaeda guy possibly promoted". Hmm. Didn't we kill him a few weeks back . . .

Big roundup of first-blush reactions at the Jawa Report. Looks like folks are lacing up in hopes there's gonna be a grave dance. Our version of a car swarm, I guess.